Given the complete failure in Ukraine, it might be interesting to try and look into what could be new targets for NATO. Due to the ongoing revolution in Haiti, they’ve been putting a lot of silent effort through the UN to sleepwalk into yet another intervention.

Edit: should’ve not mentioned Ukraine lmao

    • DamarcusArt
      1 year ago

      They are constantly asking for more supplies from the west because the last batch of supplies and weapons were lost within weeks of it arriving. Their entire ability to fight is reliant on the west sending them weapons, they are incapable of fighting this war on their own and only do so because their government are western puppets willing to sell out their own country and refuse to negotiate even if it costs the lives of every last man, woman and child in Ukraine.

      That doesn’t sound like “slow and steady progress” to me.

      Also, you’re posting a link to “understanding war?” A think tank set up by US government war hawks and board members of various military equipment companies? The people who profit the most from this war? Do you not think they may in fact be trying to sugar coat this war to the public so they personally can profit off of death and destruction? Do you not think there is a conflict of interest there? Do you have any original thoughts at all? Or have you decided that you are brilliant arbiter of truth, able to sift facts from lies, and it just so happens that your point of view matches perfectly the view of the imperialists?

      I don’t know why I’m wasting my time, you’ve already decided that anyone who disagrees with you is a “troll” what a clever little guy you are, dismissing people you disagree with without ever hearing anything they say. It’s scary to listen to them after all, because what they say might challenge your comfortable little worldview and you’d actually have to admit you might be wrong about something, and not actually be on the “right side of history” you liberals adore. Peace is the answer, not frothing at the mouth at the thought of the “Asiatic hordes” being slaughtered. Wars don’t get a “good guy” and a “bad guy” because your media tells you they do. Anything other than pushing for peace and negotiations is disgusting behaviour.

    • CriticalResist8A
      1 year ago

      Banned for posting a fascist slogan. Fascists will face the wall regardless of their excuses.

    • ImOnADiet
      1 year ago

      huh you posted in a communist instance lol what do you mean “trolls and shills” you wanted us to argue with you

    • ComradeSalad
      1 year ago

      The Germans also made slow and steady progress during WW1. Which of course bled them so dry of men, machine, and equipment that they simply imploded and capitulated spectacularly.

    • albiguOP
      1 year ago

      I’m sorry, I’m not watching that war closely as I have little stake in it. But from all I’ve seen so far “slow and steady” seems like their absolute best case scenario which is not a good look, even by looking at the link you sent. Since the continuation of this war is predicated on the constant material support from NATO and how even the most hawkish outlets are starting to become sceptical of a Ukrainian full victory (which is the only outcome their government accepts), I’d say that the Ukrainian dictatorship is on a tough spot and is no longer such a tasty investment. Now the Eye of Washington turns west.

      Either way, this thread is not about Ukraine, please go talk about European wars elsewhere.