It’s from 2016 but seems more relevant than ever. It’ll probably get some aggressive pushback from some though. Anyone have any thoughts?

  • ImARabbitOP
    4 years ago

    First, I don’t agree 100% with their tactics. They stopped and no one is doing those things in Austin anymore. You see this as evidence that they were cops and their funding dried up (pure speculation). I see this as evidence that they were listening and learning.

    What orgs are they 100% mirroring? If you have evidence I don’t understand why you just make assertions without backing them up. That leaves no room for analysis and learning.

    Irrespective of the RGA tactics and style, are you saying that the DSA is a leftist organization that communists should work with? That’s who the pig heads were aimed at and most of their intimidation. Hard disagree from me there.

    Here’s a critisism of another group I guess you’d say they should have but aside their political line for and supported: