It’s from 2016 but seems more relevant than ever. It’ll probably get some aggressive pushback from some though. Anyone have any thoughts?

  • ImARabbitOP
    4 years ago

    I don’t know anyone that was in that org nor am I associated with them in any way but my impression is that maoism is alive and well in Austin and that it expresses itself through various orgs that rise up due to need and fold up likely due to self/internal critisism or change of tactics/priorities. RGA had a bad reputation and I wish they had published some self crit or something about why they folded, but it makes sense that any such lessons would only be meaningful to others already in the movement. I assume they learned from their actions and the way the world responded and decided to go a different route, probably with reorganized leadership. Just my speculation.

    Still DSA types like to call every Maoist org in Austin “Red Guards” despite no evidence that they are led by the same people, and call them cops without any evidence of state involvement. Typical unprincipled reactionary behavior: can’t engage with their political line so call them names and make unsubstantiated accusations.

    Anyways, follow Tribune of the People to get more recent news about revolutionary orgs in Austin and elsewhere. They made this for example: