Because, as we all know, rape and murder never once occurred in Europe before all those brown people got in. Hell I bet there isn’t a single bad thing going on in that massive city with plenty of dark places to hide.

  • Drstrange2love
    1611 months ago

    And Japan is famous for falsify violence and crime data, such as not reporting cases if it is difficult to solve, no report and discredit cases of domestic violence and against women, and white collar crimes, which do not generate the same attention such as violent crime, corruption and turning a blind eye to criminal organizations, and put suspicious deaths as “suicide”.

    • @Magos_Galactose
      1711 months ago

      The only country where police has 99% case solve rate and, coincidentally, police can outright reject a case, which doesn’t count toward unsolved cases.

      • @MzuarkOP
        1011 months ago

        Everything people praise Japanese society for is based on a lie.

  • Kaffe
    1611 months ago

    Japanese media memes about pedophiles assaulting children on public transportation. Sex crime is a real problem that is laughed aside in some (but not all) contexts and rarely prosecuted. Sex crime rates are increasing in Japan.

    • @MzuarkOP
      1211 months ago

      They have to give children mandatory rape whistles. That is how fucking common it is for little boys and girls to be assaulted over there. Am I saying it doesn’t happen anywhere else? Absoltuely not, but government mandated anti-rape devices for toddlers is as dystopian as it gets.

  • @The_Filthy_Commie
    1511 months ago

    ‘‘Look, guys, what a dystopian hellscape that is, with every building looking the same.’’

    Somebody: ‘‘This is Tokyo, Japan.’’

    ‘‘Look, guys, what a beautiful cityscape with the glorious Mt. Fuji off in the distance.’’

  • @big_spoon
    1211 months ago

    yeah, it’s not like the japanese media are trying to create a narrative or something!

    1211 months ago

    Yeah because white people can’t commit crimes /s