I will refer to them as houseless people because I think Luna Oi does it or something (not sure though), so I assume it’s preferable to “homeless people” but I don’t know.

Anyway, I recently got a job and so far I am quite content with it. It’s in the province capital and I go there in a bus.

Thing is, now that I’m going outside and touching grass I noticed that there’s a lot of houseless people in the city I work in. There is less than a kilometer from the bus station to my workplace and on the way in and out of the commute I’ve seen 3 people on the same day.

I already give them some money once a day if I see them (well, one of them I didn’t give yet since at the time I didn’t see if they had a cup for putting money in and I didn’t want to stare since I feel like that would be super rude), but I wondered if there is something else I could do to help apart from giving them some money. Are they discriminated against in stores since people assume they have no money and that they entered to steal or some shit?

I want to learn more about their situation and how to help.

Any response is appreciated.

  • redtea
    1 year ago

    (I think the problem with ‘homeless’ as a category is that it includes houseless people and people who might have somewhere (temporary or semi-temporary) to live. Whereas ‘houseless’ more specifically refers to people who might sleep on the streets, in tents, or in temporary shelters, or a combination of these. I could be wrong – this is just how I’ve made sense of the difference.)

  • ButtigiegMineralMap
    1 year ago

    Working in local charities, I used to go to my local church to help with their free dinners. I’m not particularly religious or anything but religious groups usually have decent food and clothing drives. I wish there was more to do, but financially I can’t do much. There’s also plenty of help to be done at womens’ shelters, that’s what my Dad is doing lately.

  • freagle
    1 year ago

    People who are unhoused.

    Generally we want to lead with “person” because their personhood is more important than their qualifiers. It’s a person. What’s distinct about this group of persons for the purpose of this discussion? They are unhoused. Persons who are unhoused.