In order to find it and strive for it
In order to find it and strive for it
What’s the path to sustainability then?
A lot of this wouldn’t matter if European vassals could all band together in solidarity. But now we see why the rise of the proto and neo fascist groups in Europe is critic to the US strategy - there must be foils that threaten individual nations in Europe in order for European nations to need the protection that the US can provide.
So the USA is the Fourth Reich and Israel is neoJapan?
Your body will force you to rest eventually, and you won’t be able to set the terms.
You sleep daily, because you need rest.
Make the tiniest room for deliberate rest. One breath at a time is enough. You’ll make it to two breaths by making it to one breath.
The logic of capitalism means that those who need rest most get it the least. But that logic is grand. There is a smaller logic that allows you to rest in small ways.
Find those ways.
You are not a leech nor a failure. The point of life is to live. That’s it. We all take and we all give.
You’re tired. You really are exhausted. It’s time to rest. Respect your rest. Turn everything off and close your eyes. Take every opportunity to rest that you can.
Your contributions are a result of your rest. It’s not the other way around, which is the way we are taught. We are taught that rest comes after our contributions but it’s simply not true. Our contributions come after our rest. Rest first. Contribute second.
In this way, you can obtain the tiniest smallest sliver of living for yourself first and others second. And this is the sliver from which you build the rest of your life.
Rest includes pleasure. It includes happiness. It includes smiling. It includes a comfortable blanket. It includes a little extra heat in the winter time. It includes healthy nourishing foods. It includes laughter.
Your boyfriend is in the same situation and needs rest. And until he can rest, it will be difficult for him to put away his fears and anxieties and make room for discussion. So, first, rest. Then, help him rest. Then, talk to him about the deep deep need for both of you to rest, and that from rest comes your contributions. First you rest, then you work for wage. First you rest, then you make food. First you rest, then you clean the apartment. Both of you can support each other better with rest than with wage.
Start with rest. You deserve it. He deserves it. And you don’t need to do anything else to justify the rest. You’ve both already earned it. Rest is its own justification.
You are not alone. Trauma is not comparable. But you are not alone. It is possible to find your breath. Have faith that it’s possible. Believe that it’s possible and that it’s possible for you. And then prove to yourself it’s possible by stopping everything and just resting, just for a little bit, every day, and eventually every moment.
You’re here. That’s proof enough to me that it’s possible. Believe me until you can believe you. You can arrive at that place where you live to live.
Wait, two idf soldiers were killed a day earlier and they were named Zion and skikNAZI?
I am making the popping corn
Mexico, (edit: because I forgot) Canada (), Greenland, and now UK. It’s giving Fourth Reich
Dengism doesn’t make changes to Marxism to make it compatible with liberalism.
They need to be educated
Revisionism is defined as modifications to Marxism that make it compatible with liberalism.
Intellectually, this is solvable through education. Historically, however, when a Marxist state becomes revisionist, as happened in the USSR, the only solution is revolution. This is because the ruling class of a revisionist state diverges from the working class via liberalism and reproduces a class distinction.
As we know, the only way we have discovered of resolving class contradiction requires revolution. Maybe there’s another way, but we haven’t found it.
In this way, the solution to a capitalist society and a revisionist society are the same: revolution .
Especially given a century of development.
Yes. Yes it does. Just because Euro fascism historically emerged within a national context (German, Italian, Japanese) doesn’t mean its defining characteristic is that bond to a national monoculture. America isn’t a nation in the real meaning of that term. It’s a state defined not by a nation of people but rather a race category that people of many nations participate in.
In this sense, fascism in the American context must be far more white supremacist than either the German context or the Italian context because there is no shared nationality among the various white immigrants.
The fact that the fascists in America are able to include people from non-white race categories is more a factor of just how totalizing white supremacy is in the US compared to anywhere in Europe - the force of white supremacy in the US is so strong that non-white people are compelled to adopt it in whole or in part to survive and millions have done so so thoroughly that they fundamentally incorporate it into their self identity. Such a feat of total dominance of the person could never have been achieved by any of the Euro fascists movements to date.
LOL, making the Third Amendment to the Constitution of the USA relevant?!? What the fuck are you on? You’re a lower class Uighur with lived experience of the CPC but you view the world through the lens of the American Constitution as it was ratified in the late 1700s?
Get bent.
Oh there’s rent. Most US prisons charge per diem rates for housing, and they charge for many “services” and they charge literal extortion rates. Prisoners leave US prisons deeeeeply in debt
Gitlab is fine
Are we also supposed to stop playing Xbox because MS owns that too?
I mean, that’s a path to sustainability - societal collapse in Europe and then rebuilding from New power structures and principles