So Caleb Maupin is now labelled a Nazbol. That seems to be the newest buzzword that means ‘bad person’ And i say that, because if you go look at the comments, not one person mentions anything that he did that is nazbol-ish.

And now Thought Slime, the Serfs, and now apparently Luna Oi, and Noncompete are attacking or cancelling or cutting ties with him.

So, opinions? On Caleb, or the others?

I value your opinion as communists, because something similar happened to me, involving alleged communists.

  • queer_bird
    4 years ago

    I mean, I know him going to NazBol conventions isn’t proof, but it’s definitely suspect.

    • AzirahaelOP
      4 years ago

      He attended a conference with Dugin. He read his book before going, so he def knew Dugin was a nazbol [before dugin rebranded himself] and he read the book, and said he got some good points from it. Same as when he applauded SOME aspects of trump’s campaign, but did not show approval for trump as a whole.

      However, none of that makes him a nazbol. same as if you as a reporter have the opportunity to interview or attend a conference with Hitler, does not make you a nazi.

      Same as interviewing Joti Brar who sure looks like a transphobe, does not make him a transphobe. And not derailing the whole interview by attacking her on a subject that he admit he knows fuck all about, does not mean that he agrees with her.

      Hell, i can read Mein Kampf and take some good points from it, without liking it, or approving of either nazism or hitler. even if the only point is to lean how nazis think, so as to fight them.