Of the 6 ATACms, 5 were shot down and one was damaged, which hit a military warehouse in Karachev, Bryansk Oblast (over 110km/70 miles from border)


“These will only be used in Kursk region”

New Russian nuclear doctrine:

Article 11 —> Attack by non-nuclear state aided by nuclear state is considered an aggressive act (ATACms need US officers)

Article 10 —> If an aggressive act is committed by a member state of a military alliance, all parties of the military alliance are responsible. (Russia can strike any NATO country in response not just the US)

  • Large Bullfrog
    2 months ago

    For better or worse, Russia has always been a bureaucratic state in the sense that they always lay out what they will do in what given scenario and stick to doing exactly that. Russia had already laid it to everyone well beforehand (I keenly remember) that Ukraine attempting to launch a full scale military campaign to cleanse the Donbass would be the condition that leads to war, so that is what happened. So…now we just wait and see what happens.