Since they still uphold the economics policies of Reagan/neoliberalism

  • Black AOC
    171 year ago

    What decades of incremental shifting of the Overton window does to a mf

  • @cubaenjoyerv2
    151 year ago

    That is a task to the far left movements to pull again the rope of the public discussion back to the root of the problems

  • @Munrock
    131 year ago

    I think “liberals are left” is a specifically Western thing and it’s due to the utterly cooked Overton window, and deliberste obfuscation by media.

    Left/right in the West has become a synonym for progressive/conservative, and most Westerners I know can’t tell the difference.

  • ButtigiegMineralMap
    121 year ago

    I do my small part everyday letting people IRL know that even if they disagree with me politically that they shouldn’t lump me in with shudders LIBERALS

  • Muad'DibberA
    1 year ago

    Right parties everywhere are always called “the liberal party” (Australia, Japan, etc). It’s just the US has two of them.

    A really simple way to explain it to US liberals, is that that liberalism simplified just means individualism / upholding the primacy of individual freedom over community betterment.