The anti-nuclear movement must be a big oil operation.

  • zymefish
    1 year ago

    Nuclear power would destroy the artificial scarcity that capitalists need for their profit-making schemes. Especially the last thing they want to see is many sovereign states in the Global South/Third World/Periphery/whatever independently developing and expanding their own sources of nuclear power. It’s a wide open field with possibilities that include a socialist society that we all want anyway. It’s a historical snuffing out of the candle what big oil and imperialism did to nuclear power. I don’t have a lot of compliments for the French, but I do think there are things to learn from them with regards to nuclear power. They get more of their electricity from that than other country does.

    • Capitalism is already exacerbating climate change and the ultra-left just worsened it by delaying any plan for major cities to go green. Getting rid of nuclear completely defeats the point of cities transitioning to greener sources. Rural towns don’t have this problem due to their lower demands.