Ukraine’s population in 2021 was about 43 million, currently, it says that population is 36 million.

This is of course the most optimistic data they have, this is nowhere near truth, let’s look at facts.

Officially, there is 8,1 million migrants, even Wikipedia says this, so that’s instantly 35 million, then the annexations of 4 Oblasts by Russia: Donetsk, Lugansk, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson. From data from 2020, Donetsk Oblast had a population of 4,132 million, Lugansk Oblast 2,136 million, Zaporizhzhia Oblast 1,687 million and Kherson Oblast 1,028 million, when we combine those numbers, we get a number of about 8,483 million, and than we have 27 million!

And this is not counting those who died or missing and idk if they even properly counted Crimea in Russia in population census.

So in short, Ukraine went from a population of about 43 million to less than 27 million in 1 YEAR and UN projects that it will never recover, it seems that phrase to the last Ukrainian is really true, to think that this could have been avoided for them if clown just signed to give Donbas, not join North Atlantic Terrorist Organization and preserve neutrality…

  • PolandIsAStateOfMind
    1 year ago

    Capitalists gonna capitalism, but being entirely annexed by Russia is the Ukraine only chance to avoid being mercilessly crushed by IMF and such.