It could be classed a victory for us because of things like the EU being imperialistic.

However, I dislike how it was caused by xenophobia so it’s hard for me to support Brexit. It also harmed the working class in the UK, for example my friend’s dad lost his job as the company decided to leave the UK.

  • XiangMai
    4 years ago

    A necessary step but not sufficient on its own

    Yugoslavia is the best example of how criminal the EU/Nato is

    The EU could not tolerate an independent Socialist (largely market revisionist) economy on its own doorstep, that produced a lot of goods that were exported worldwide and had one of the largest standing armies in Europe.

    Nato/EU demanded Yugoslavia was bombed round the clock for 78 days with depleted uranium making Serbia the cancer capital of Europe

    Despite ‘accidentally’ bombing the Chinese embassy Nato was not to bomb a single multinational corporation although they repeatedly bombed state run organisations. (Parenti, The Attack On Yugoslavia).

    The Eu supported the US in its designs to fracture Yugoslavia - turning it from a prosperous socialist nation into a bunch of right wing little statelets where they Yugoslavs would never rise again - not even as a bourgeois nation.

    A once thriving nation turned into an export markets for German/British and French capital and the people turned into a cheap labour pool for above countries.

    Which is why the Yugoslav nations are now exporting their children who are forced to move to the centres of capital for work due to the destruction of their industries.

    It is the same thing in Ex-USSR states where their populations have been turned into cheap labour pools.

    Ultimately you should be supporting the balkanisation of the EU and UK as they are the capitalist centres who rely off the capitalist gulags all over the globe

    From the chocolate they eat farmed by children to the prawns in their ready meals being harvested by Burmese slaves who are filled with amphetamines and murdered to Congolose children mining the coltan in their electronic devices under the threat of warlords to their clothes sewn in horrendous sweatshops in India or Cambodia etc. etc.