What do you all think of this?

    2 years ago

    Oh thanks I did not know that.

    So while we are on the topic, what European countries aren’t American vassals?

    Is there a rundown of European geopolitics? Am I misunderstanding which are vassals?

    Isn’t Europe realizing it can’t abandon China? Do they have that independence?

    • ComradeSalad
      2 years ago

      No country in Europe is a true vassal to the US in the historical lordship definition. In fact, such extreme control would be counterproductive to the United States. Instead the US holds the fear of economic isolation over the heads of every single European nation so that none step out of line. Only when this economic isolation fails, for example in the case of Yugoslavia, will the US declare direct action.

      So imagine it as if the US lets European nations do whatever they want whenever they want, but the US is always holding a 500 ton boulder over their heads “Just in case”. So while they have the “choice”, there are no alternatives to the US and they will be crushed.

      This isn’t just isolated to Europe. The US uses this same system with almost every single nation and region on the planet without fail. Which is why countries such as China are such an existential threat, as China offers an alternative to the US. The same goes for economic blocs such as BRICS, the Warsaw Bloc, and the African market.

      • CITRUS
        2 years ago

        I see, just some countries more than others then. Also, why would it be counter productive? Economically or geopolitically? (well those are connected in some regard)

        Is this also why some European leaders are flirting with China a little? So they can play both sides?