• Shrike502
    1 year ago

    Gonna have to disagree with you on it being a W, comrade. For several reasons:

    1. Deportation on a racial/ethnic basis is questionable at best, regardless of who does it. Call me an idealist if you will.

    2. It may well spread to people who lived and worked in USA long before the SMO. I know plenty such folks. Former classmates and the like. If they left because they couldn’t see a future for themselves in Russia back then, how do you think they will react now?

    3. Likewise, people who left because they disagree with the SMO on political/ideological basis will not suddenly start supporting it once they’re back. If anything I expect they will blame Putin, the current government and the people who didn’t leave for their situation. This is essentially giving CIA and the likes a free base.

    We’ve already seen incidents of people supporting Ukraine from within Russia - including the attack on Engels airbase. The deportation will only help strengthen such notions, I expect.

    And again, going back to 1, this is only serving to support the campaign of alienation of Russia and Russian people. One more thing that is allowed and approved.