• deathtoreddit
    3 months ago

    I mean, there were some (possibly political and false) rape allegations in Sweden that were quickly dropped then brought up again… however



    The condom used for the rape, the main physical evidence, however, didn’t contain his DNA however

    Third, as far as AA is concerned, even the Swedish prosecution never suggested that the conduct alleged by her could amount to “rape”. In a Twitter-message of 22 April 2013, AA herself publicly denied having been raped (jag har inte blivit våldtagen). AA also stated in a tabloid interview that Assange is not violent and that neither she nor SW felt afraid of him. While I agree with the prosecution that AA’s allegations, if proven to be true, could amount to sexual assault other than rape, the fact that she submitted as evidence a condom, supposedly worn and torn during intercourse with Assange, which carried no DNA of either Assange or AA, seriously undermines her credibility.

    While at the police station, SW even texted that she “did not want to put any charges on Julian Assange” but that “the police were keen on getting their hands on him” (14:26); and that she was “chocked (sic shocked) when they arrested him” because she “only wanted him to take a test” (17:06).

    That, and he seems to be a libertarian, if you ctrl + f “libertarian” into wikipedia

    In 2010, Assange said he was a libertarian and that “WikiLeaks is designed to make capitalism more free and ethical” and to expose injustice, not to be neutral.[34][556]

    • SadArtemis🏳️‍⚧️
      3 months ago

      The rape allegations are already known to be not only false, but completely fabricated by the Swedish government, not even the ostensible “victims” (who didn’t consider it rape, didn’t attempt to charge Assange with rape, and had simply gone to police to try to get him to do another STD check)

      It really shows how farcical it all was- and how much “Swedish neutrality” and all that was a sham, even long before it likely aided in bombing Nordstream, or it joined NATO. It’s literally the “I consent,” “I consent,” “I don’t” meme.