The US empire's proxy war in Ukraine has had many jaw-dropping instances of imperialist sociopathy, propagandistic audacity and brazen journalistic malpractice that we've discussed in this space many times, but one of the most cringeworthy and degrading aspects of the globe-spanning narrative control campaign surrounding this war has been the way the nation's president Volodymyr Zelensky has been turned into an ever-present corporate mascot for the most aggressive ad campaign ever devised. The way the most powerful institutions in the western world have been throwing their puppet in everyone's face to sell the empire's proxy warfare puts Ronald McDonald to shame.
Maybe a typo but there’s no #4, but at least she made up with it with 2 honorable mentions.
The Mark Hamil thing was a little upsetting. Does he not know that Lucas modeled the Empire specifically off of the American Empire? I expected slightly better seeing as he seemed dimly aware that Disney ruined new Star Wars, but man with this war everyone to the right of MLism–that is to say, the entire rest of the Left–has been COMPLETELY suckered into this insanity. It’s a damn sad day when fetid ghouls like Majorie Taylor Greene are the strongest advocates for even slowing the total insanity parade.