Alright enough shitposting for now, hope everyone enjoyed

  • SovereignState
    2 years ago

    Re: white cults like FG

    the power structures that support the Amish, the LDS, the FLDS, the Family, and Jehovah’s Witnesses need to be dismantled piece by piece in Amerika. sex abuse, apocalyptic cults skating by on the principle of “freedom of religion” and earning millions upon millions of dollars… they need to be destroyed. same with Osteen and MegachurchismTM.

    idk about the cults in Poland and eastern europe, I’m sure they’re disturbed as hell too. just use any opportunity I can to shit on these specific Amerikan cults.

    • PolandIsAStateOfMind
      2 years ago

      We basically don’t have many cults in Poland and their are jumping the fringes and present themselves as innocent as possible (which every religion always does when facing stronger opposition, only growing teeth and claws as it gain it) because religious landscape is dominated by the single huge church that goes hand to hand with capitalist state in eliminating all the real opposition for either. It’s naturally bit more complicated in multiethnic and multireligious countries like Russia but even there they went right back to the altar throne alliance really fast after capitalism was restored.

        • PolandIsAStateOfMind
          2 years ago

          Well it’s not exactly monolithic, there is a lot of more or less silent internal strife like in every mafia and at least one borderline schism, but it is a single denomination centralised by organized hierarchy from the up to bottom which boast membership of officially 85% population.

          Figures of practicing, according to church itself, are (of that 85%) 40% attending to mass regularily and 16% recieving communion.

    • VictimOfReligion
      2 years ago

      Problem is that every single Christian sect has the same Bible as those like the JW have, then going on the “debate” of which cults are cults? And then majoritary religions will go and protect those obvious dangerous cults to maintain their privileges under “freedom of religion.”… Only place I’m seeing JWs are starting to get their legality taken off, is in Norway, while in China they were never legal.

      I’m an ExJW, btw

      • SovereignState
        2 years ago

        I don’t disagree with you, Christianity, explicitly fascistic Christian belief, maintains an iron grip on many nations and its power structures need to be systematically dismantled. I do also believe that it is a pragmatic idea to pinpoint the most powerful and detrimental sects of Christianity and fight against their growth (whatever that actually looks like from a praxis standpoint). Religions with sects and that went through schisms are entrenched into the earth like no other octopus’s tentacles, and there are a lot of tentacles with varying degrees of power and of negative consequence. I am not saying the ideological quirks and silly Christian infighting matter all that much, but the varying degrees of power these sects wield does. Am I making sense?

        • VictimOfReligion
          2 years ago

          Yes, you are. And from a praxis standpoint, is simply counterpropaganda, and scientific education (specially biology and astrophysics) what cures cultist mentality.

      • CannotSleep420
        2 years ago

        While all religion is dumb and bullshit, I think it can be helpful to look at religions based on how much they tolerate people being members of the religion while not actually giving too many shits about the religion. A deus vult catholic and a mormon are going going to be at about the same level of batshit detachment from reality, but it’s been my experience that you’ll meet a lot more self professed catholics who don’t bother actually doing the bare minimum their religion expects them to than you would mormons.

        • SovereignState
          2 years ago

          Agreed, I’m more in the “anti-theist” camp than the religious tolerance camp as they were, but the destructive effects religion has in general can vary in severity by religion and local cultural histories. It should be obvious the overwhelmingly negative, wide-reaching influence Catholocism has on the people, as well as the extreme influence it has on world politics for instance, contrasts pretty harshly to a native religion with many followers like Vodun. Numerous syncretic indigenous religions have arisen out of the colonized ashes of Catholic imperialism, and those colonized peoples’ belief systems are not what’s preventing revolution.

          I have no disagreements with anyone criticizing the iron grip Christianity wields over Christian-state policymaking or the horrific cultural ideals propagated by religious groups. Mostly just focusing on cults in the U.S. like the JWs and LDS that wield significant political power and capital (more than you’d think!), while harboring (more like promoting) sex pests and preaching hate-speech apokalypsis.

          • VictimOfReligion
            2 years ago

            I’m with you, and I do have consideration with context, even though I will for sure not treat animal sacrifice as a non significant matter, since we are talking about the gratuitous slaughter of sentient beings of which even some theorize as “animals as a societal class bellow the working class”, and even science is recognizing their intelligence, which has been drawn back precisely by religions.

            The thing is to compare religions like other similar power structure: Is the same an Spanish Monarchist than a Hawaiian one? This is the fule of thumb I use.

            Also, regarding cults, I know of the LDS church, but not many of the political influence JWs hold, since it’s a religion of political asceticism(or to not partake in any political issue, only what the Governing Body(Popes) says to do).

        • VictimOfReligion
          2 years ago

          Yeah, sure, and those are the “cultural [insert religion]” which won’t give a damn if the institution is faded away, making this situation even less complicated that people here is trying to portray as.