• @ComradeChairmanKGB
    1 year ago

    Guatemala is more of a victim than evil. Considering what was, and is still being done to them. Death squads, regime change, civil war, control by foreign corporations, de facto slavery, etc. Yes it sucks that they voted that way, but as far as I can see they aren’t really independent.

    • @pgtl_10
      21 year ago

      I visited Guatemala. You can tell the white European descendants still control the country.

  • @supersolid_snake
    131 year ago

    21+ predominantly white states out of 30 not counting their vassals.

  • @BenEarlDaMarxist
    131 year ago

    Hey why is Isn’treal up there, I thought we agreed it is a fake state?

      • ☭CommieWolf☆
        71 year ago

        I think they were asking why Isr*el is on this list, since its supposed to be a list of actual real countries.

  • @CamaradaD
    101 year ago

    Ah, my dear Brazil… always trying to dog the US’s footsteps. I wonder when will we realize that we’re like the rats in the Pied Piper fable.

    • Drstrange2love
      121 year ago

      hopefully with the new Lula government our foreign policy will improve, which was one of our strengths his former government, apart from the Haiti mission disaster which was one of his worst decisions, but it will be better than Temer and to Bozo who wanted to be Trump’s vassals

      • @CamaradaD
        61 year ago

        Here’s hoping. But most of his cabinet are neoliberal and he can’t rule without these parasites in it. My hopes are they’ll be too busy trying to fix the country to go on a privatization spree or that they’ll simply realize siding with China would be the best decision even if one is to look at it from a Capitalist point of view. Biden is trying to get all buddy-buddy with Lula, and this is raising some eyebrows on even some of the ‘moderate Left’ here.

        • Drstrange2love
          41 year ago

          biden will try to do a Bush like in 04, to try to ally Brazil to his trade war, but the neoliberal cabinet is very bad, especially in the area of ​​education, the military and even Haddad in the economy a bad government by Lula will be a return of the extreme right and the PT has a bad habit in their consolidation of handing over a lot of things to the opposition in return for almost nothing, and not wanting to equip and put trusted people in high positions And I see more disaster in his high court nominations for the track record

          • @CamaradaD
            41 year ago

            Indeed. It’s why I’m still a little concerned about the future.

  • stasis
    81 year ago

    of course succdem countries are on there