I haven’t made a post regarding this in a while, so I guess I’ll make another to get an updated version of our thoughts.

When will the US fall? How do I help make it happen? Will it?

I’ve been thinking a little bit about the future of the United States and the world as a whole and believe that the U.S. must fall before it and the rest of the imperial core can make any meaningful systemic change (and the end to imperialism, brutal capitalist wars, and any potential solutions to climate change).

With that being a prerequisite for a socialist change and a better world, my question remains - how the fuck is that going to happen? When will it happen? Will it naturally collapse due to contradictions in capitalism? Or is there going to have to be hope of a socialist revolution? If it’s the latter, I have very little hope, assuming it requires the American populous to do it. Maybe when more people’s conditions worsen there will be a larger sense of revolutionary activity but with what I’ve been seeing around my area and online it is just status quo liberal “vooot” garbage that will lead us straight to destruction.

Our political actors and capitalist rulers seem hell-bent on destroying the world to keep their great lives while the rest of us wither away. Our ruling class is so powerful, what are we supposed to do? Is there any chance of a revolution? Do we have to hope and pray that Xi and other AES states will liberate us or just wait til the bombs start flying and the sea levels eat up Florida before we finally have a chance to boot this shit?

A lot of this might be just incoherent rambling, I don’t know. I’m stressed out so my apologies. Thanks for reading this far if you did.

  • Samubai
    2 years ago

    I think in the US there needs to be an intensification of ORGANIZED political struggle. Americans in general poll very progressive. Emphasizing things like the Citizens United SCOTUS ruling to the point everyone understands how America is no longer a democracy will go a long way for people to be radicalized. Communists need to strategically call on the first amendment protections to talk about communism. Most American communists are young and urban, yet we claim to support the peasantry. Yet, I hardly ever see an explicit connection between the two in popular American or communist rhetoric. We think of the rural folks as backwards, but who did Mao go to? A simultaneous and non opportunistic campaign to connect urban and rural interests would go very far, further than I think most might think. Selecting strategic rural districts would be more productive.

    The problem in America is that the population is highly divided and political orgs tend to fail at emphasizing what unites people, which for us is the right to the fruits of our labor. Maybe the largest hurdle in America would be dismantling those perceived divisions. But, if we are careful and strategic in our efforts, we could connect seemingly disparate topics; a key to any political struggle. This is something the GOP does well, which is why they can have a correct conclusions but for the worst reasons possible, like with Russia, and have great popularity among the working class.

    A lot of reactionary talking points about LGBT+ has always been a moving target. Once gays were vilified, then it was same-sex marriage, then it was feminists, then trans people, then it was abortion(not lgbt issue, but a gender issue), what’s next? Same sex marriage again?

    A lot of Americans are simply uninformed and don’t have an opinion developed, so a non-combative approach to possibly sensitive topics should be encouraged. When we become overly rigid on pure rhetoric, we open the door to distrust from and of the people. Allow space for people to have the wrong opinions, then address them. I genuinely believe most people are simply ignorant; with patience and compassion, we can get most people’s support. It’s a rule that the most extreme stances are the most fringe, these are the ones that get coverage and attention. Don’t vilify average people!

    So if I had to break it down I’d say:

    1. Patience and resolve; this process will take a long time.
    2. Clearly and concisely define the shortcomings of the status quo, and why it needs radical change. Be careful not to alienate the people, alienate the bourgeoisie!
    3. Define and emphasize what unites urban and rural, how that benefits the people and how that connects to revolution. a) create cells in very consciously selected rural areas to spread political theory and education.
    4. Have compassion for the backward regions and people of the nation.
    5. Be strategic!!! We have very limited resources and people, but we can overcome that if we pick battles we can realistically win.

    It is the status quo which is radical, senile and insane. If we can help people see the truth of that, we will go far. At the very least, people will move out of the way. It should be taken for granted that all this struggle cannot be waged at the expense of PoC, Natives or the LGBT+ community; the most exploited. No tolerance for opportunism or adventurism. That is my slightly informed opinion

    • Yang Wen-li
      2 years ago

      I’d add that the reason for the destruction of the American labor movement is that the US is the center for global capitalism, we fund capitalism. The capitalist have crushed the labor movement, gutteted the CPA, and set up feds to infiltrate all left wing movements the second they start. This is thanks to basically infinite money coming in from the very advantageous trading position of the US.

      In the multi polar world this of course cannot be the case. Once the US no longer can enforce the capitalist world order they will loose a bit of ability to control left wing movements. We are already seeing this with the rise of DSA and the DNC’s absolutely pathetic attempts to stop it.