There’s videos going around of Hu being removed from the summit as he’s talking with Xi. They claim it’s because he voiced objections to Xi taking a 3rd term or something? I generally support Xi and the direction the CPC has been going but idk much about Hu and what he did. My “China bad” deprogramming only started a few years ago and I haven’t really read much about the CPC before Xi yet.

I don’t trust anything the western media says for obvious reasons. I do however trust your all’s insight into these matters. I’m just bad at finding sources on this stuff that is outside of the western sphere of influence.

Edit: Fixed CCP ➡️ CPC

  • roccopun
    2 years ago

    You can put your own thinking hat on. You see a retired senior who worked 24/7 his whole life now clearly deteriorated physically and mentally. What could possibly make him leave early during a multi-hour meeting? What could possibly make him want to stay?

    Maybe you can believe your eyes and it’s just an old man who is proud of his lifelong work, being old, and struggling to fight against the force of time like the billions of achieving humans who live and understand self-worth out there.

    Or maybe you can believe actually old man is not just being old, and it’s a deep dark 20 year long political plot filled with hatred and deceit and reveals the inferiority of barbaric societies and cultures like the Chinese. Or maybe old man is not just being old, and he is a secret reptilian about to shapeshift. Maybe notice how Mao Zedong is absent from the meeting altogether and maybe dead man is not absent because he’s dead but because he soulshifted into Hu’s body through voodoo and is hanging on to politics by pretending to be Hu and CCP devil witchcraft and infighting is on full display here and you just have to know what to look for.

    We can make our own conclusion. And ironically the narrative we proudly decide on (and these days, advertise on the internet) actually reinforces and reveals more about the intelligence, morality, and mental state of the person making the claim than the subject at hand.

    And this is a long roundabout way of saying, old man is old, just like the sun rose because it’s morning. It is time to disconnect, stop letting your dystopian government control your mind and distract you from real issues in life. Instead making you question the rising sun, make you question why are the birds chirping, and make you debate if birds are actually secret communicating to aliens in a plot to destroy the earth.