There’s videos going around of Hu being removed from the summit as he’s talking with Xi. They claim it’s because he voiced objections to Xi taking a 3rd term or something? I generally support Xi and the direction the CPC has been going but idk much about Hu and what he did. My “China bad” deprogramming only started a few years ago and I haven’t really read much about the CPC before Xi yet.

I don’t trust anything the western media says for obvious reasons. I do however trust your all’s insight into these matters. I’m just bad at finding sources on this stuff that is outside of the western sphere of influence.

Edit: Fixed CCP ➡️ CPC

  • randcount6
    2 years ago

    For me personally, I was just too young to actually have an opinion. I only saw his face in the news and all I knew was “hey that’s our leader”. Only a few years after Xi Jinping’s ascent to power did I mature enough to consider what Xi is doing right and doing wrong. Given that many of those online are rather young (plus the internet is a relatively new concept in China anyways; bilibili was founded 2009, 3 years before Hu Jintao’s retirement), they might share my sentiment; for us Hu Jintao just kinda existed, and we don’t know enough to have any opinions; only for Xi Jinping did we actually see his policies in action and actually have opinions on what he is doing.

    • JucheBot1988
      2 years ago

      Good to hear an actual “on the ground” perspective on this – thanks! Honestly, my understanding of the Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao eras is probably skewed, not only by my being 6,000 miles away, but also by the fact that back when they were in office, I was sitting in the worst depths of online Hoxhaism. No, I am not proud of this.