In light of Trump’s statements on EU countries needing to pay for NATO in order to get US protection a leading member of the SPD has declared an EU bomb being necessary as part of an EU army (and apparently somehow cheaper than just meeting Trump’s demand that they meet their treaty GDP contribution targets).

And as usual it’s because Russia, Russia, Russia. It’s coming to get them, it’s going to take over Europe Hitler style because it’s forever 1939 in the minds of today’s western leaders and that’s the only way to ever view things.

80 years on and the SPD are still despicable fascists.

    8 months ago

    Germany is creepy as fuck right now. Its completely sliding into Military Keynesianism

    The decoupling from Russian energy, the “derisking” from Chinese markets and the move towards e-mobility which will crush German car companies (not saying I want more fossil cars - its just an analysis) are smashing the rate of profit. (That’s a thorough sweep through most of the economic base in Germany).

    It does already lead to cuts on social spending which in turn makes ppl turn away from centrist libs.

    Who are they turning to? Well the left is nonexistent in Germany, so they are looking the same way that capital which is on the losing side of things is looking: the far right AfD.

    Meanwhile the transatlantic center is desperately trying to look for growth potential and finds the arms industry, which is in line with their Zionism, Islamophobia, Russophobia and Sinophobia anyways.

    So we now have discussions in Germany that we have to be ready for war with Russia in no later than in 5 years and are proudly opening up new arms factories.

    The more the AfD rises in polls the more the center will lean into war with Russia to mitigate an economic situation that benefits the AfD as well as create a narrative that is supposed to keep the “Russia friendly” AfD out of power.

    Meanwhile more and more authoritarian laws are enacted to protect the centrist parties from losing power while at the same time Ukranian-“solidarity” lets fascist elements seep in the centrist parties, predominantly the green party and its foundations (Heinrich Böll, LibMod, …)

    I am not certain of all the mechanisms but I don’t see any meaningful material development that would halt this. Renewables don’t provide profit rates that can satisfy capitalists.

    I guess revolutionary potential in Germany grows higher than it has ever been, but with the huge head start in organization and capital of the right its going to be an uphill battle. Additionally a lot of whats left on the radical young left is massively confused (like pro-Israel, and pro-US), which is not to say psy-OPed.

    Regarding organization I see some good development on the left around Palestine, but its often ppl with a migrant background who are massively in danger of state repression.

    IDK I hope the more I am active the more opportunities will unfold, but I aside from organising I am considering leaving the country within the next years, although I would hope that we’ll somehow be able to prevent recreating the 30s of last century as well as the 40s where Russia has to solve our fascism problem again!

    Looks like Luxemburg’s Socialism or Barbarism again and I am not here for the Barbarism

    • Mzuark
      8 months ago

      Germany is backsliding hard and I’m a little concerned. If they get nukes, they’re going to use them to bully everyone into doing what they wish. No matter how unpopular.

  • Shrike502
    8 months ago

    Mmmyes let’s put more nukes in Europe, that will sure make everyone safer.

    Remember when in 2022 Russian nuclear forces were placed in condition of raised alert and everyone banged their drum how it meant putin was threatening the world with nukes?

    Guess this time it’s different

  • redline
    8 months ago

    a nuke for everyone, that’s gommunism bby

  • Mzuark
    8 months ago

    You know, I had assumed that the EU already had nukes.

    • darkcallingOP
      8 months ago

      Thankfully not. France does and the UK too (though no longer EU obviously). Besides them Russia is the only other European (well sorta) country with nuclear weapons. Though NATO nuclear weapons (American) are stationed on a sharing basis under US/NATO control in several other EU countries they can’t be used except on US authorization.

  • KrupskayaPraxis
    8 months ago

    So nuclear energy is too dangerous but nukes are good and necessary? I can’t believe the German government