In light of Trump’s statements on EU countries needing to pay for NATO in order to get US protection a leading member of the SPD has declared an EU bomb being necessary as part of an EU army (and apparently somehow cheaper than just meeting Trump’s demand that they meet their treaty GDP contribution targets).

And as usual it’s because Russia, Russia, Russia. It’s coming to get them, it’s going to take over Europe Hitler style because it’s forever 1939 in the minds of today’s western leaders and that’s the only way to ever view things.

80 years on and the SPD are still despicable fascists.

  • Shrike502
    8 months ago

    Mmmyes let’s put more nukes in Europe, that will sure make everyone safer.

    Remember when in 2022 Russian nuclear forces were placed in condition of raised alert and everyone banged their drum how it meant putin was threatening the world with nukes?

    Guess this time it’s different