How does everyone feel about the billionaires coming out asking to be taxed?

  • SadArtemis🏳️‍⚧️
    9 months ago

    I imagine for those few with any sense- or with any genuine notions of “patriotism” or other such values outside of pure greed- they can see how the tides are turning, that being- that western “civilization” is headed for a collapse, and if there isn’t some sort of new New Deal (a band-aid fix, but still something) shit will really hit the fan, and their imperialist golden goose might finally just die off (to the benefit of the rest of humanity)

    That said, actions mean more than words- and in their actions, for self-interest, surely they won’t do much of anything about it, and in truth they can’t- it doesn’t matter what they might even genuinely think, not that I expect much from them, but even in the entirely hypothetical scenario where there was one “good apple,” all the other decaying apples around it would win out- the other billionaires, the other institutions and bureaucracies of capital. That’s the nature of the capitalist system, something far greater than a few supposedly “dissenting” or “suddenly conscientious” billionaires- capital, in this system where capital is king, will continue to do as it always has- and considering the state of western and particularly Anglo-American society, I don’t see anything changing course for the better anytime soon, but rather spiraling further into late stage capitalism.