• JucheBot1988
    2 years ago

    Gonna out myself as a millennial here: I grew up in the US during the 1990s, and I don’t remember it as a particularly optimistic time. Maybe it was a function of where I lived – small, mostly working-class town out west – but the general mood seemed fearful and kind of cynical. People seemed really afraid of their neighbors, and you heard all kinds of weird, absurd rumors: lizard people in charge of the government, gangs of Satanists roaming the streets, every tenth person was a serial killer, etc. The culture was so vapid and meaningless: ONNNNCE MOOOOREEE YOU OPPPPEEEENNN THE DOOOOOOR, or however that stupid-ass song actually went.

    And that was how it was in the west: just sort of unpleasant. Outside the west it was an absolute economic and social nightmare.