Ok, so if you ever get into a kerfuffle with an anarkiddy about state socialism or “tankies”, then use this statement:

Anarchism is unfeasible because the lack of a state makes a nation vulnerable because it doesn’t have a centralized military to protect itself. Marx’s “stateless classless moneyless” society is only possible if the whole world is under one state socialist government first. However, what anarchists want is to go directly from capitalism to stateless socialism, which is impossible.

  • LunaticHacker
    3 years ago

    it is also very important to note that Marx and Engels defined the state only as what enforces the interest of a certain class over another.

    In our modern and common understanding, the state also fullfills the job of an administrator of things, which is not gonna wither away even after socialism. Such administration of things can be various regulations on standards of safety and ecology, antitrust laws, laws on destructive behaviors such as murder and theft that will be enforced by a police force etc…

    Anarchists often don’t diffenciate between the two very different roles that the state plays and want to abolish both of them, including the vital and not-withering-away role of administrating things

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