Among the pearls of wisdom in this video we have:

“Russia is imperialist because it has state capitalist monopolies” Yes, you heard it right, having certain economic sectors under exclusive state ownership is imperialism. Guess Putin should privatize Gazprom like Yeltsin did, that way he wont be imperialist right Paul?

“Russia is imperialist because it has a big state owned bank called Sberbank” Yes, having big state owned banks is imperialism

“Russia is imperialist because it invests and isnt indebted” He uses the Net International Investment Position (NIIP) as “proof” that Russia is imperialist. That index takes foreign assets held by residents of a country and subtracts it the total debt, both public and private, of a country. Thus, if the NIIP is positive, the country is a creditor/invester, and if its negative, its a debtor. Russia has a positive value, but what does that prove? That Russia isnt indebted, thats all it proves. He says this proves “Russia is a major exporter of capital”, which it doesnt, the index doesnt account for Russias biggest export, commodities, which makes it NOT imperialist. The NIIP only accounts for investment/credit and debt. Also this index has many flaws, since all you have to do to count in is be a resident of the country. Tax heavens thus have insane positive values, but that doesnt mean they are imperialist. I mean just look at the NIIP values online. France and the US are negative, yet Argentina and Botswana are positive! I guess Botswana is imperializing the US, you are right Paul.

“Russia is part of international monopolist organizations. Russia is a permanent member of the UN Security Council and a BRICS member” yes, he fkin said this i swear. Does this guy know the USSR was a permanent member of the UN Security Council? Im sure he would say they were dirty revisionists. Also apparently BRICS, an alliance formed by Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, with no western countries in it, is imperialist. He does specify tho, that of BRICS only Russia and China are imperialist. Thanks Paul!

“Russia sending its military into Donbass, despite the people of Donbass wanting it, is imperialism” Wow, guess the Soviet presence in Afghanistan was imperialism. Nevermind hes a maoist, he probably thinks that.

“Russia helping Syria against the US is imperialism” I dont even know what to say, besides that he should go to Syria and tell the people there that Russia should leave them alone against US aggression, see what happens. Fkin idiot.

“Supporting Russia, China, Iran, Syria, etc is lesser evilism, they are all imperialist” 🤦‍♂️

“We must support the oppressed nations such as Cuba or Venezuela” Does this anglo idiot know that Cuba and Venezuela support Russia? The doublethink is insane.

“Russia is not an oppressed nation” Does this idiot know what happened in Russia in the 90s?

“Only anticapitalist countries can be antiimperialist” Oh, so i guess Venezuela (whom he supported just 2 seconds ago), Nicaragua, Allendes Chile, Bolivia, etc are not antiimperialist. Nice one Paul!

Then he finishes with an “inspiring” “no war but class war, long live communism” speech. Yeah yeah great words, says the stupid brit from his privileged house in the imperial core. Hes the true marxist, not the people of the third world who overwhelmingly support Russia and China, whom he calls “capitalist imperialist”. Fkin idiot

Edit: I want to add that Marxist Paul has good videos regarding theory and criticism of the west, but when he steps out of that, especially regarding China and Russia, he says the dumbest shit. Considering hes a maoist who loves Gonzalo and the Shining Path, i guess that was to be expected.

  • … Syria and Iran are imperialist now?

    Also… I’ve never seen anyone claim that Putin specifically is anti-imperialist, but Russia’s current foreign policy is undeniably very important for several anti-imperialist countries (primarily Syria)

    (Is he actually a Gonzaloist? I figured he meant “Maoism” as in “Mao Zedong Thought”)

    • SaddamHussein24OP
      2 years ago

      I mean, he says China is capitalist and imperialist, he has a video ranting about “chinese social imperialism” in which he almost exclusively cites gonzaloite groups and authors such as Jose Maria Sison, Tjen Folket (norwegian gonzaloites) and others. He also cites a documentary by The Guardian about “ebil china exploiting Africa” lmfao

      He also has an interview on his channel with a first world gonzaloite where he agrees that Lucanamarca is western propaganda and that Gonzalo was a great revolutionary who did nothing wrong, and if you say otherwise you are brainwashed or evil revisionist.

      I cant say for certain hes a gonzaloite, but he definetely leans toward that.

    • Muad'DibberA
      2 years ago

      Yes he’s a gonzaloite. He thinks China, Cuba, and Vietnam are imperialist. Dude is trash and not worth spending a second thinking about, another youtube grifter.

      • SaddamHussein24OP
        2 years ago

        Actually i dont think he thinks Vietnam and Cuba are imperialist, that just looks too bad, China he can get away with. He still has some cool videos for beginners tho, but yes i agree with you.