Left wing perspective over cultural revolution, (a larger perspective on the) full story, good and bad. Nice primer for all of us. :)

Edit: Also, not necessarily “the full story”, or the best of implied judgement by the author. Remember your own theory when listening to other people’s edition of historical events.

Edit: I just replaced the link with a react from hasanabi, which we generally trust better.

Original: https://youtu.be/8jEMlFCaI04 React: https://youtu.be/w9xz-gwDXkI

  • comrade-bear
    7 months ago

    Found this on the wonderful work of comrade Dessalines, under socialism FAQ, can be a start, I highly encourage you to dive into wherever your interest guides you in the Dessalines page, that is a magnificent gift he brought all the community, it’s a hell of a job