Also fuck the west and Gorbachev for killing him, evil bastards. May our Comrade Rest in Peace!

    • SaddamHussein24OP
      3 years ago

      Yep, i agree. They had him shot immediately in a show trial the fucking cowards, they knew that if he were to talk to the romanian people their coup would have failed. Its also ludicrous when libs claim it was a “revolution”, it was literally a coup. The same people who had ruled Romania for years with Ceausescu, both in the party and the military, killed him and seized power, and then became neoliberals. What kind of revolution is that in which people from the previous government also rule in the “revolutionary government”?

    • SaddamHussein24OP
      3 years ago

      “reactionary streaks” you should go tell all the romanians who miss him to this day. You should also tell Kim Il Sung, who praised him as a great socialist leader. Its true, he banned abortion, and that was wrong, but so did Stalin and Enver Hoxha. Ceausescu wasnt the only one to enact natalist policies. “Ultranationalist” lmfao, thats straight up hilarious, ethnic minorities were literally protected by law under Ceausescu. I personally know a hungarian romanian, and he says Ceausescu was based and did not “oppress hungarians”, but nice western propaganda there.

      Romania had a mostly neutral foreign policy, they did not “support reactionaries in Zaire”, they simply had good trade relations with them. This is identical to Chinas foreign policy. China trades with Israel, a state much much worse than Mobutus Zaire, and yet i dont see you “denouncing Xi stans”. “Ticked off the soviets” lmfao this is just hilarious. You think Ceausescu was on a quest to “tick off the soviets”? All he did was have an independent foreign policy while still not collaborating with imperialism (unlike China). Romania never got involved in foreign conflicts, except for blatant imperialist aggressions like the Vietnam War in which they supported North Vietnam.

      Ceausescu was a great socialist leader. He made mistakes sure, but to say “he shouldnt be stanned” is ridiculous. He was the only east bloc leader who openly denounced perestroika, and thats why Gorbachev and the west had him assassinated in a violent coup.

      Edit: You are right, Romania did support Pol Pot after the vietnamese invasion, i just saw i was wrong on that. Still, they didnt do that because they liked Pol Pot or to “tick off the soviets”, they just followed the UN position in line with their neutral foreign policy. Besides, China and DPRK did the same thing, yet i dont see you denouncing Deng Xiaoping and Kim Il Sung as “reactionaries”. I agree, it was a mistake, but that doesnt mean Ceausescu wasnt based.