
    • KiG V2
      2 years ago

      And? Do you know how easily history could have swallowed up Lenin and he could have been a nobody? Do you know how many Lenins there are right now, working at McDonald’s, picking fruits, pushing paper in an office? History has made these men and women legends, and we should absolutely aspire to be like them, to emulate their bravery and wit and heart. But they are not gods. They are people who were flawed and who had a miraculous bit of luck on their side. We don’t know who fortune will favor, maybe we all might end up with an undignified death and quickly forgotten…or maybe not. You yourself might be a Lenin, or somebody similar. I could be. Anybody reading this could be. Regardless if history remembers us or not, the challenges we face are surmountable. There is nothing we are facing that we cannot beat. Give yourself, your comrades, and the millions of other communists across the world more credit than that, friend.