Some may think it is irrelevant but I think capitalism plays a role. News are like 90% fucking terrible, horrible news. I really can’t bring myself to watch news. killed… massacred… evil… That’s all the reporters say.

I can watch the goriest movies but when I just as much hear a mother literally threw her baby to dumpster (that’s real and probably happens a lot) I can’t… I can’t continue watching… So sickening. And people watch news with meals? During brekfast? Dinner?

I think news under capitalism focus on the worst points of humanity as bad news sell better than cheering news I imagine. It is also the direct result of capitalism that people are so fucking savage.

  • KomradeK
    232 years ago

    News is depressing under capitalism because capitalism is depressing.

    • @xxcvzvcxx
      2 years ago

      lol go on r/mademesmile half the shit they post there is something along the lines of “this guy was fired by his employer for demanding worker rights and then got kicked out by his landlord and then the police brutalized him because he was homeless so I bought him a meal!” with a picture of the two of them smiling and everyone going “awwww so wholesome”

        • DankZedong A
          122 years ago

          Here’s a detailed list of everything that went wrong in socialist countries and why it is to blame on socialism not working.

          For some odd reason we cannot, for the life of us, seem to find any reason why we have so much problem in capitalist countries. Perhaps we humans have a natural instict to be miserable the further away we are from the imperialstic core?

  • Star Wars Enjoyer A
    152 years ago

    news agencies that are driven by market value will always publish stories that are bound to get them the most sales, and to give them an edge on the competitive market, they bend the events and use creative language to further skew reality. Why report on a boy petting a dog, when you can report on the boy’s neo-nazi mother? Why publish a wholesome story about a man who donated to charity, when you can twist it into a drama?

      • Star Wars Enjoyer A
        122 years ago

        So what if she’s attended NSM rallies, is a Klan member, and has been arrested 12 times for aggravated assault of racial minorities? the dog is adorable tho. See, look at the cute doggie.

  • @kretenkobr2
    142 years ago

    Fear is the strongest human emotion. People are emotional beings above all. Take from that what you will.

  • @Kind_Stone
    102 years ago

    Yeah, you grasped it right. Profit is everything. Everything else - irrelevant. People tend to be interested more in stuff that caters to their world view and own ideas.

    That’s why the pro-Ukraine propaganda machine is so fucking effective, for example. You paint Ukraine as a bully victim who fights for freedom and democracy (hooorah!) - the regular conersva ass from the Muricah will be cheering for any news praising those fuckers. So all the media sources will follow the same bullshit narrative because it caters to their general audience. I’d say that dialectically we get a perfect machine. By satisfying the needs of already existing fuckers it produces the new ones.

    Now, back to the news. Why the hell there are only bad ones? That shit sells. It’s hot. Stories about evil orkz from Russia killing pregnant women - that seems like the usual shit for sale. That shitty courtroom drama going on right now - even better.

    Why does it sell? Well. I’m going for some speculation here. But that kind of stuff caters to a lot of people at once in different ways. Some love spicy shit. Some lack spicy shit in their boring day to day lives and like to see something more spicy for a change. Some look at all the creepy shit going on and think “Well, I may have a shitty life but at least there’s no stuff like that”.

    I’m certain that this is a cultural thing too. Because here in former Soviet Union countries we have an opposite - news REALLY REALLY REALLY try to stay silent about ANYTHING really substential or negative happening save for cases which can’t be omitted. They do throw in some criminal stuff, but usually we get like “Putin did that, governor in region X where you live did that, rare animals in that zoo did that, children in the school did that” etc. No news about strikes. No news about dozens of factories closing each fucking year. No substential news from the frontlines (hot topic nowadays) apart from shitty daily copy-pasted crap about “uh we destroyed this and that that’s it for today”.

    Plus some news are straight up bullshit. Like that funny episode that happened a while before the special operation, the one about “new military drone factory” when they literally put a few random people into a brand new hangar with squeaky-clean floors, a couple of fucking plastic tables with some random tech bullshit on them and then filmed what was supposed to be “an inspection” from some high ranking official. Plus the practice of having actors put out as supposed locals is comedic at best. When you have same fucking people under different names be in Moscow as worried people going out to meet the officials and then suddenly turning up on a nuclear ice breaker in the North as a part of the crew.

    Would you tolerate that kind of bullshit in your news knowing that’s all bullshit?