• AdvancedAktion
    2 years ago

    I would not call him Nazbol. From what I have seen, he is the old school communist guy, who is not keen on the new fashion of communists. He may not out right be a racist, nor homophobic but what he is doing is tailism. Ready to accept many reactionay attitudes of the working class for attracting them into communist ideas. With his exceptional knowledge about history of communist movements in USA, he surely do have to know that, this strategy is nothing new. We can see that he clearly inspired by the past. The aesthetics he choosen to represent his politics shows that.Whether he will be successful or not it is the future to decide. I have a distaste towards his strategies. I can not read his mind so these are my observations.

    Edit 1 I just remembered about his book about jew bankers and satan. There is great traces of anti-Semitism evident from some reviews. I’m not trying to trivialise his problematic actions and contents.

    • JucheBot1988
      2 years ago

      To be entirely fair: he pulled that book (it was called Satan at the Fountainhead: The Israel Lobby and the Financial Crisis) from publication after it got heavy criticism from Jewish communists. It’s actually really hard to find now for that reason.

      I don’t think Maupin’s a fascist. I do think he engages in somewhat risky tactics, under the rubric of “let’s all just fight the imperialists now and sort out our differences later.” But he’s probably correct in stating that the specific party model pioneered by Lenin, and the specific tactics outlined in What is to be Done? are unsuitable for the particular material circumstances of 21st century America.

      It’s good he’s trying something new. I just wish he was better at it.