It hit me today that western institutions and people will look you dead in the eye and tell you that socialism, an extremely popular ideology used by many prominent anti-imperialist, anti-colonial, liberation movements across the Global South, is awful. Like, they get away with calling those who they oppress stupid and uneducated without any repercussions.

People just stop and go, "hmm, I wonder if these guys who are striving for actual freedom and liberation for their people have a point. No! I, the person benefitting from their oppression, must obviously know better than these dirty poors when it comes to their political affairs and oppression! They are just inferior, not in a racist way though, I swear guys!

There is a reason the west does everything in its power to suppress it. There is a reason they are willing to sacrifice thousands for a war in a country that has nothing to do with them. There is a reason they will starve and slaughter those people. They know socialism, they know that it’s dangerous for their greedy oily paws. Socialism is the proces of humanity stepping into a new era of peace and progress, a human future. Socialism is liberation. It forces the worst actions out of the bourgeoisie for a reason.

  • CommunistWolf
    2 years ago

    Book recommendation: The Jakarta Method. The people you’re talking about are generally completely unaware of its contents, or even the events it describes in the most general terms.

    Improved education is key, but difficult. Horses and water, after all.

  • Pathetic_Apathetic
    2 years ago

    I think you can go deeper on your second paragraph.

    The public of the western nations to a degree knows fine rightly that people are being exploited in the rest of the world. However just like charity appeals on tv they give their attention for a moment then back to their “reality”. It’s just an ugly truth that quickly needs drowned out.

    There is a general awareness that things will cost more if people were treated more fairly. There is awareness that the haute bourgeoisie are getting away with plundering the world but it is all accepted as the compromise for relatively cushy lives.

    Another side of it is that the blame gets shifted. When a terrible accident happens in a sweat shop in Bangladesh because it was running as cheap as possible it’s the company buying from them’s fault, not the public at large who demand cheaper and cheaper goods.

    It’s the fault of the companies for making conditions so bad! Not the fact that I would refuse to pay the prices necessary to improve conditions for the workers.

    The stories come up, the public’s heart bleeds for a day or two, back to figuring out which electric scooter or smart phone I want to buy for absurdly low prices.

    The short end of it, the public is easily led by anti-socialist/communist rhetoric because many of them understand on some level it would mean sacrificing their privilege.

    Then of course because so many people spread lies about Marxism the people who would actually benefit from socialism even turn against it as well.

    • Catradora-Stalinism☭M
      2 years ago

      Another side of it is that the blame gets shifted. When a terrible accident happens in a sweat shop in Bangladesh because it was running as cheap as possible it’s the company buying from them’s fault, not the public at large who demand cheaper and cheaper goods.

      It’s the fault of the companies for making conditions so bad! Not the fact that I would refuse to pay the prices necessary to improve conditions for the workers.

      Sort of true, but it really is mostly the company’s fault the conditions are bad and that they are doing market competition to have the prices that way. That is one core of our ideology. It is true, “though”, that liberals care little about the ones “over there” and would be quite disappointed if they had to pay more if the workers “over there” are.

      • Pathetic_Apathetic
        2 years ago

        I fully agree, I don’t mean to come across that it isn’t the pursuit of profit that isn’t the main driver at the end of the day. I guess maybe it’s more like people absolve themselves of having to take any stance or action.