I’m talking about people like Vaush, Adam Something, even Elon Musk. Hell, even people like George Orwell claimed to be socialist so it’s not a new thing. They’re not “Marxist but not Leninist”, or anarcho socialists/communists or whatever, but people who don’t even come close to being any sort of leftist at all!

It’s not like socialism is a very glamorous thing to be in the West, or ever was. The average Westerner either thinks socialism is even worse than fascism, or thinks fascism is a type of socialism. Those two are generally for people like and don’t like fascism respectively. It’s definitely not like being an athlete or being in a band or something where you stand to actually impress the general populus if you lie about it.

So I genuinely don’t understand this: if you’re a Westerner, why would you pick socialism as part of an already fake character you’re casting yourself as? What favours is it doing for you?

Like, I’m a Westerner (at least, I live and grew up in the West, not born there and not white tho), and I’m genuinely a socialist (Marxist-Leninist). And I do the opposite to these fake socialists: I keep that identity on the down low in public places IRL, because I’m worried I might actually get persecuted for it (physically attacked, probably not unless I’m in a really far right crowd, I’m mainly worried about things like job prospects). I definitely don’t do things like broadcast that identity to people who know me IRL (most probably think I’m Sanders-esque socdem at best), and especially not to random people I come across on the street. I genuinely can’t imagine anyone in the West getting brownie points for being a socialist, so why wear that hat unless you actually believe in socialism?

  • Fiona (she/her)🏳️‍⚧️
    2 years ago

    I don’t think he’s a fed, but I do think he’s a fascistic little shit, using the whole “libertarian socialist” (lol) thing to try to present himself as more innocent than he really is

    • Leia_Round
      2 years ago

      Libertarian socialist I know don’t think he’s like them. And he doesn’t seem like one to me either. I think he’s a troll. Probably not a fed, but definitely useful to them.

    • SaddamHussein24
      2 years ago

      “Libertarian socialist” that wants Julian Assange to be imprisoned for life in the US because “hes right wing” apparently. Literal CIA psyop