In the “nq” civ5 multiplayer group, Russia was (is?) permabanned since the war began. They also stopped allowing Russian players to join lobbies.
“We hate the government, not the people!”
“I’ll not have those damn orcs in my game!”
“If they don’t like it, they should get rid of Putin” - great mind of reddit in response to not allowing Russian athletes to compete in some event.
Same dipshit probably says, “If you hate America so much, just move!”
Civ 5’s leader is Catherine the Great though, nothing to do with modern Russia at all. But I guess civ players can give HOI players a run for their money when it comes to understanding history.
Bet they play exclusively nazi Germany
How quickly Nazis become acceptable once you villainize the soviets
What game?
Did a quick 5 min search, it’s Steel Division series, post doesn’t mention a specific one. The games are RTS games, based on allied pushes during WW2. Like many other RTS games, the units/divisions have voice lines, in this case in their actual languages.
Essentially this fuckwit doesn’t want to fight nazis because the soldiers doing the job happen to be speaking russian.
My bet is on hoi4.
Funny, I’ve been the opposite for a while: avoiding movies and video games with Russians as villains/antagonists (which is more difficult than it sounds btw), avoiding video games with explicit pro-USA stuff, etc
I have done this for as long as I can remember.