I have no idea what it is, and whenever I read anything about it, I get more confused.

Magical Marxism demands something more of orthodox Marxism - something more interesting and liberating. It asks that we imagine a Marxism that moves beyond debates about class, the role of the state and the dictatorship of the proletariat. In escaping the formalist straitjacket of typical Marxist critique, Merrifield argues for a reconsideration of Marxism and its potential, applying previously unexplored approaches to Marxist thinking that will reveal vital new modes of political activism and debate.

Like wtf is going on in the Anglo world?

  • baffled_and_aghast
    2 years ago

    From the author’s latest, Marx, Dead and Alive

    Marx is important today not necessarily because he was right, as Terry Eagleton has argued; but because he matters even if he was wrong. Anyway, it’s probably too early to tell whether he was right or not wrong. Marx, instead, challenges us, like God challenged Job, tests us out, tries to get us to live up to the promise and possibility of what he laid before us, of what he saw resided inside us.

    published by Monthly Review - is the Congress for Cultural Freedom still alive and are they funding Monthly Review??