• @straightpeach@lemmy.ml
    232 years ago

    Maybe you could refrain from posting such politically charged content in the closest thing we have to a politically neutral meme community. I’m sure there are places where this post would be more fitting. Just look at what happened in the comment section.

  • Sr Estegosaurio
    82 years ago

    I really hate NATO. Bc at the end it’s just keep buying weapons to the UEA and spen even more money on the military. I agree with this, but tbh the other side sucks the same. Both sides are just a bunch of imperialistic pigs. ¿Why side with one or another if they both suck?

    (talking about the general scene, not about ukrania. Poor ukranian people tbh, they are the most damaged ones.)

  • Catradora-Stalinism☭
    02 years ago

    I see you lurking fucks downvoting without any brain whatsoever. Cowardly slime

    • Water Bowl Slime
      192 years ago

      This conflict goes back much further than last month and NATO expansion is absolutely a key cause of this war. Being sarcastic about it doesn’t change that.

      • Ephera
        -42 years ago

        The NATO is a defense agreement. Of course, Russia won’t be a fan of everyone else forming an alliance, but they wouldn’t need to care either, if they don’t plan to invade anyone.
        And their immediate neighbors certainly wouldn’t either be joining a defense agreement with foreign forces rather than with Russia, if they felt like they could trust Russia, let alone need defense against Russia.

        • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
          92 years ago

          Ah yes it’s just an innocent defensive alliance that has been relentlessly expanding and invading countries for the past 30 years.

        • Water Bowl Slime
          82 years ago

          I responded to this in another comment but simply put: NATO isn’t a defensive alliance and it never was. That’s a paper-thin lie that isn’t supported by their history whatsoever. If NATO were to expand to Ukraine, they would threaten Russia militarily, if not outright coup them.

        • Catradora-Stalinism☭
          12 years ago

          Ukraine is a nazi-influenced country, of course it would be scared of russia. Russia, with its many faults, still fucking hates nazis. NATO is also not a defense alliance, it is an imperialist alliance made to kill communism, and expand the power of its leader, the United States.

        • Water Bowl Slime
          102 years ago

          Uh yeah because that’s what NATO does. It’s not a defensive alliance and it never was, just look at what happened to Yugoslavia and Libya. NATO is a clear and present danger to every country that opposes the west and if they expanded to Ukraine, they would be able to install military bases right next door to Russia’s capital. And they would undoubtedly use them.

          Also, Ukraine was coup’d in 2014 by the US so it’s very debatable how much of the people’s will is represented by the decisions of their government. Especially considering Ukraine has since been in a civil war between those who refuse to recognize the puppet government and those who support it.

          And if we’re talking about respecting sovereignty, then Ukraine should have followed the Minsk protocols. To Russia’s credit, they tried resolving this conflict diplomatically for 8 years. If Russia was half as war-loving as the US, they wouldn’t have negotiated their problems at all & would’ve sent their troops in years ago.

          And what does Zelensky being Jewish have to do with anything? You realize Israel exists, right? Do you also believe that the USA ended anti-black racism because Obama was president too?

          • Muad'DibberA
            102 years ago

            Defensively bombing and overthrowing yugoslavia, libya…

        • Catradora-Stalinism☭
          62 years ago

          What the fuck was Libya? Yugoslavia? NATO is an alliance of anglo scum and any real leftist that isn’t an idiotic neoliberal shitcake worth their salt would not take their side. My god people like this are truly the lowest of scum. Don’t try to reply, I won’t make an effort to continue talking to idiots.

      • @Angorak@lemmy.ml
        -12 years ago

        The countries joined NATO voluntarily. (They also freely applied to join.) That’s what sovereign, free states do, they decide their own destiny and don’t let another state dictate anything to them.

          • @pingveno@lemmy.ml
            -12 years ago

            Imagine thinking they’re not joining because they’re scared of Russia invading just like with Georgia and Ukraine.

            • Catradora-Stalinism☭
              22 years ago

              most joined in 1997, fuck, russia tried to at one point. they’ve all wanted to split russia and make themselves stronger, have for a while. I think some are now, but only a few will. Contrary to popular belief, most of the people not in NATO despise it.

              • @pingveno@lemmy.ml
                02 years ago

                I wish that 1997 spirit had been maintained. So many resources and now lives are wasted over the distrust between NATO and Russia.

                • Catradora-Stalinism☭
                  22 years ago

                  Fuck that, Im glad the NATO scum have enemies, and I hope the alliance burns to ash. May socialism destroy its enemies. Russia gained little power during this fight, but NATO lost far more. Each are now very much able to be revolted against. Lenin is young again, as the third world rises to burn the 1st.