• 292 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2020


  • I am really confused here. The content itself is actually well researched and good (rare for privacy content), but the symbolism is very obvious here. And from how much I have been in the darknets and underbellies of internet, loli and nazi themes can be an occasional occurrence.

    My intent is not to tolerate nazism, but evaluating VPS hosters credibly is extremely rare, as most who do it are affiliate sellouts. I would not give a shit if it was just some modest anime character, but the band…

    What do I do?

    Edit: well I guess whoever missed seeing this article, bad luck. It has been up for 2 days, and I had no clue about it, and nobody reported it before. Removing it.

    “Putting Privacy Focused Free Speech VPS Providers To The Test” if you can search this, you can get to the article. Not going to give a URL.

  • Propaganda can be good or bad depending on your perspective, and a lot of effective marketing could be categorized as propaganda.

    I’m not all that interested in deciding what counts as propaganda

    Then you may not be fit for preaching GrapheneOS as a good thing either. But you are doing it. You are willfully trying to muddy the clear waters to try and make me thing GrapheneOS is a good project, even though 5 years of my investigation says otherwise.

    As is the case most of the time, the truth is probably in the middle.

    Never has been the case. Centrism is as valid as economic “middle class”, both of which do not exist and are invented pigeonhole boxes. Centrists are just sheep skin wearing future sellouts.

    Go question or criticise them on their forums.

    That is not a litmus test of technical merit, that’s a litmus test of how big their ego is. That’s irrelevant.

    That’s all I needed to know. You are scared of checking their technical merit. You are scared of critical thinking and reality, and want to remain comfortable with delusional worldview shaped by others. I will use a phrase for you, “ambiguity aversion”. It describes your thought process regarding GrapheneOS very well.

  • If it serves to destroy privacy and anonymity at the expense of them getting to control privacy community

    Again, this seems blatantly false. Nothing GrapheneOS does destroys privacy or anonymity, they just prioritize security.

    They do, though. This is like denying sun rises from the east. If their focus is diverting every person possible away from Firefox onto Chrome browsers for Micay’s personal agenda cloaked in wishy washy “security” spaghetti, then it is. If their focus is diverting every privacy seeker towards “GrapheneOS+Pixel” being best, which is dogma by the way, then they are indeed harming privacy community. If their focus is propagandising people into using Google Play Services and Google account in the name of security, and calling F-Droid insecure, then yes, they are intentionally harming privacy and anonymity initiatives.

    And they don’t control “the privacy community,”

    That is because I am in their way. And 2 years ago they tried to get rid of me by creating faux propaganda about me to scare Lemmy admins into getting rid of me.

    You may go check the June 2022 Lemmy RCMP fiasco section here https://old.reddit.com/r/privatelife/comments/13teoo9/

    I archived the Lemmy thread so people can see to what levels GrapheneOS mods/heads can stoop to control the privacy community.

    GrapheneOS is a security-focused OS with strong privacy and anonymity features you can choose to use. Here’s their tagline from their webpage:

    Yes I can also tag the Anom phone or Freedom Phone taglines. Snake oil or scam products often carry these taglines. I want to verify intent and motives of the developer behind the product, because that is what Ken Thompson, co-creator of Unix and C told us in 1980s. Micay is malicious, and so his agenda and motives will carry into what he modifies/creates, or may already have. I can also quote taglines of closed source internet connecting products that claim to respect privacy and security.

    They’re not the only game in town, but they do have the most effective marketing.

    And how do they have effective marketing? Turns out it is well crafted propaganda. Instructions exist for GrapheneOS fans/members/team to carry out this cardinal task for their little church. https://imgur.com/a/fpcsIL2

    Again, more inaccuracies. The FBI thinks COVID-19 likely came from a lab, so “China virus,” while inflammatory, isn’t necessarily too far from the truth.

    If you care so much about the narrative, then the official narrative of global doctors and professionals, who congregated under the COVID-19 Commission, will be of more interest to you. They concluded after 2 years of investigation that USA labs are more likely to be the origin of virus than China labs. Are you going to still toe the FBI and Washington propaganda, or acknowledge something different?

    Why are you making this about you? We were talking about the technical merits

    Firstly, there is no merit to GrapheneOS. This AOSP fork is mostly a rebranding of AOSP features and kdrag0n’s project put on top of AOSP. It is a deep rabbit hole. I did a dissertation of what it is over a year ago. https://i.imgur.com/pQHoq84.jpg

    Secondly, if you missed this https://imgur.com/a/fpcsIL2 , you may want to go through it.

    Thirdly, if you think that project has even the slightest of merit, here is a litmus test. Go question or criticise them on their forums. If you did it on popular places like Telegram, Lemmy, Reddit, they will note you and your account down, as instructed in the propaganda instructions I showed above. Any questioning or criticism of this snake oil product will result in an instant ban, and further questioning may result in internet wide harassment, bullying and witch hunting.

    I honestly don’t care too much about you (no offense intended) or Daniel Micay, I care about technical merits of apps and hardware. I’m reasonably technical, so I think I can do a decent job judging for myself

    I think this is enough for me to see you blindly believe in GrapheneOS propaganda, and are so sincere about it, you will never even try to think otherwise.

    Here is a clip for folks like you who find it tough to consider other possibilities. Do go through it. Might end up liking the movie even. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhr3TzEknzY