interesting body

  • @Mystery_Man
    122 years ago

    Oh no, now all the moron liberals are definitely going to think that Putin/Russia are communists…

  • Star Wars Enjoyer A
    92 years ago

    I wonder if it’s owned/operated by one of the republics, since they have a decent population of Leninists. Though, I wouldn’t hold it against Russian tankers who have a positive view of the USSR to do this, or for Russian tankers who disagree with Putin’s anti-bolshevik stance to do this in protest.

    • Star Wars Enjoyer A
      2 years ago

      I’m fairly sure it’s a t72, tho. So for all I know, this could be Ukrainian. This is a situation of both sides of a conflict using either the same or similar equipment, so it’s really hard to identify stuff sometimes.

      edit: actually this has the Z, so it’s Russian. Russia is using a Z to identify their equipment.

      • @_geck
        22 years ago

        its a t72b3 (2016?) which is only in service in Russia afaik

  • @aluizcosta
    2 years ago

    It is probably more propaganda with historical appeal - making the invasion of Ukraine a replay of the Great Patriotic War against Nazi Germany - than sincere affiliation to Marxism-Leninism. But it cannot be excluded that some commanders do have sympathies for communism.

    • TheHolyTachankaYTOP
      22 years ago

      The captain(Idk what its called) of this tank can just be communist