So I don’t have a video, translation or pic, but I heard it in background while someone was scrolling Facebook throught their phone, hear me out: Some Serbian self admited ‘‘geopolitician’’ and conspiracy theorist(he admited it himself) said this:

That atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima just because THERE WERE ORTHODOX JAPANESE(which became the way they are because they were ‘’‘’‘brought on the right way’‘’‘’’ by Russian Empire) living in there and that was an attempt to genocide them just because they are Orthodox because the ultimate plan of USA or whoever is to genocide specically Orthodox Christians…

I, I… I can’t even make my brain function normally for the whole day… Anyway, I’m done for today and I will probably be gone for the next couple of days because I can’t anyway that’s it for now, bye…

  • JucheBot1988
    1 year ago

    Yeah, especially given that they had maybe… two at the time, and it would have taken them about a year to produce another one.