• loathesome dongeater
    122 years ago

    Feel like a lot of people are accepting mass casualities as a fact of life at this point. In the west especially a disproportionate amount of the blame has been shifted from the state to fringe anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers as if the state couldn’t have enforced those policies despite their protests. And to top it off people try to ignore China’s efforts in a desparate attempt to ward off cognitive dissonance.

    Here in India the third wave is expected to peak somewhere around February. As cases rise, the response has been lukewarm lockdowns and people are practically bracing for another slaughter. So far I haven’t lost a close one to COVID but if things keep going like this with new variants appearing I don’t know if it will remain that way. Seems like the leaders of the free world only know how to genocide.

    • Muad'DibberOPA
      22 years ago

      I went home to see my fam for some holidays, and in my hometown in the US midwest *no one was wearing a mask. Half of my family had covid at some point and a few of them almost died, yet they still aren’t wearing masks. I can’t imaging being in that much pain, being lucky to come out of it, and still not protecting yourself from another infection, but that’s the level of indoctrination people are at. Meanwhile the US is preventing vaccine distribution to the global south… world capitalism is eating its own people.

      I also don’t see this going away anytime soon. New variants are gonna keep popping up, and the same non-response guarantees that it won’t get fixed.

      This is from Peter Turchin’s secular cycles, and shows that we’re probably in step 4 now.