I just had to remove about 15 posts, (and someone kept making new accounts) from atlantic and variety, from people claiming we’re homophobic?

I just added a harsher signup and posting timeout as a short fix, which I don’t really like doing, but I have shit to do today and I have no choice.

edit: To clarify the mod policy here, homophobia / transphobia is a bannable offense.

I wouldn’t hesitate to remove explicitly homophobic or racist posts, and I don’t hesitate to remove western propo either (at least for now, until we decide what sectarianism is allowed here)

  • @Leonidas
    35 years ago

    Y’all, as the mod of /c/lgbt, if you’re going to be making these types of posts, please keep them to the appropriate subs.

      • @Leonidas
        5 years ago

        It should be AFAIK. Currently the sidebar says “for anything and everything to do with the LGBT+ community.” If it’s considered a violation of sitewide rules, that’s out of my hands I guess.

          • @Leonidas
            5 years ago

            Hmm…apparently the reason is because it’s an Atlantic article? We should probably have a /c/lgbt sub-wide discussion to clarify these issues.

            Edit: here it is https://lemmygrad.ml/post/508

              • @Leonidas
                05 years ago

                It’s not a specification I’ve made in the past, hence the discussion post.

                  • @Leonidas
                    05 years ago

                    That’d probably be a good start, I agree more transparency for community rules is always a good thing.