• @vis4valentine@lemmy.mlOP
    33 years ago

    I live in a socialist country, guess who instead of doing what the comic says, created even more policing institutions that doesn’t help to solve crime? It’s not about capitalism or socialism, more about what politicians we put in place who are willing to do this, and who lobby those.

    • ghost_laptop
      3 years ago

      I didn’t say every socialist country will do it now or that it is doing it right, even more a country like Venezuela who’s pretty fucked up in a lot of ways. But you will never see anything resembling this happen in a capitalist society, whereas it will happen at some point in a socialist/communist one. It is diametrically opposed to capitalist values, because the police is the repressive force in charge of protecting private property and bourgeoisie values.

        • loathesome dongeater
          33 years ago

          I’m not sure about Venezuela but Cuba saw an increase in crime rate once the Soviet Union collapsed and the blockade came into effect. They lost like 85% of their trade and wages shrunk, and the deprivation lead to more instances of crime, which also increased the incarceration rate.

          • @vis4valentine@lemmy.mlOP
            13 years ago

            You wanna come here? I’ll meet you at the airport and take your to meet maduro, so you can tell him in his face that Venezuela is not socialist.

            • @TheConquestOfBed@lemmy.ml
              63 years ago

              I mean, I’d tell him he’s a shit demsucc. The sort of top-down regime change that the Fifth Republic instituted is paternalistic and has no faith in the will of the masses. China, Cuba, and Vietnam had revolutions in which peasants and farmers were integral to the operation and governance of revolutionary territory, and the systems were designed around the interests of lifting the peasant class out of poverty through their own labor and self-governance.

              Chavez idolized a liberal who conducted a bourgeois revolution. Being charitable with oil wealth did not make him or his movement socialist when his government still upholds liberal power structures. It’s evident in how the lack of marxist planning made the state vulnerable when oil exports tapered off.