• BigBoss_JoeSteel
    4 years ago

    I can’t speak to why the party leadership chooses to describe the party as “revolutionary socialist” instead of “Marxist-Leninist”, but I’d wager that it’s a conscious decision to appeal to accurately describe their position to the broadest amount of people by not using jargon.

    The communist movement is the United States is experiencing a resurgence, but we’re still small. It is important to organize, get people on our side, and grow the movement. Building bridges instead of burning them is likely why the choose to not talk about Stalin nor focus on the split from WWP.

    The history of Marcy (supportive of USSR, PRC, and DPRK) as well as the party’s existing position on PRC display a principled stance towards AES.

    Shoot a message to PSL and ask them yourself! https://www.pslweb.org/join