Love seeing spez get downvoted to hell for defending slaveowners.

  • @CriticalResist8A
    4 years ago

    Liberalism really is unarmed to deal with destructive ideologies. Took ten minutes for people to expose the holes in their new rules because they have to play both sides, they have to adapt the language so as not to alienate their users so much, that it’s lost all purposes. With these new rules, it’s possible to hate on poor people as they form the majority of the US population. It’s not clear whether Indian users can fight back against Hindu nationalist users, as we’re not sure whether the rules take geography into account (probably don’t, Reddit admins have lived their whole lives in Silicon Valley).

    And in doing this they’ve angered all of their userbase instead of picking a part they want to side with and please them.

    Without a revolutionary ideology, it’s impossible to fight against the rise of reactionaries and fascists. What’s happening right now in that reddit thread has happened before in history. They tried to do something but since they didn’t want to be criticized for censorship or authoritarianism and so they decided to do nothing instead.

    You want a clear rule, Reddit? No support for settler-colonial states and their privileged classes. IDGAF that conservative Americans won’t like this. Oh no, they can’t say the Iraq Invasion was a good thing anymore, where is the freedom of speech? Oh right, it’s right there in all the Iraqi civilians that will be allowed to live because these fucks can’t drum up support for imperialism any more.

    • @gallock
      4 years ago

      I’m gutted about this, but that’s what losing feels like. It highlights what you said, and it also embodies the full symbolic violence: it’s ok as long as it’s ahistorical. Tech brogressiveness and spectacle wokeness. Policy of language. After today it made realise how much CTH was actually hated. I understand that: telling that the current system sucks and giving it names and reasons must not feel good for the majority of people who support it; but it also made me think: we were ever the baddies? Not in an evil way, I mean in a chaotic way. CTH used too much humour to the point of blurring the message, so it openly advocated for violence. Empty words, but violence nonetheless. I can’t help but think that policing the language would fare better, but also I realise it castrates movement.

      I can thank left edginess for radicalising many people (and I have a lot to go in radicalisation) and even furthering my reading, left edginess was needed to balance out right-wing media domination, but I also think we needed to get past this type of humorous discourse. Even if we call the people who disliked leftiness as “libs” or “centrists”, they’re still a considerable chunk of the population, and so they may not see the oppression of the current system. Solidarity, even if late.

    • @wasbappin
      14 years ago

      out of curiosity I checked if that bakchodi got banned and of course it didn’t