Love seeing spez get downvoted to hell for defending slaveowners.

  • @RandomSovietKid
    4 years ago

    :( Was it /r/juchegang? (I haven’t been on Reddit for years, but I remember that one.)

    Please consider re-creating it here, though. I’d love to see a circlejerk community about my favourite currently existing country, and the instance operator won’t ban you because he isn’t a far-right reactionary like some of the Reddit admins. At the moment, the rules of the community I created (/c/korea) allow circlejerking and jokes too, but I think it makes more sense to create a separate community for that and leave /c/korea for serious discussion. So, if you create that, I’ll update the rules.

    • @Closesniper
      64 years ago

      No r/Juchegang is still up and running, it was r/chapotraphouse2_2_2 . I will look into making a community, i will message you if/when I get it all set up