Björn Höcke being an elected member of the German state, however weak in actual power is not great to say the least. He’s about as literal Nazi as it gets in mainstream German politics.

  • The Free Penguin
    4 months ago

    “wE’rE nOt fAr rIgHt, wE jUsT wAnT gErMaNy nOt tO bE iNvAdEd bY Le eBiL bRoWn pPL bCs a fEw oF tHeM aRe bAd!!!” -AfDlers

    Well, and what about the white Germans who SA women? Those don’t count? Even if you saw 100 stories of a brown person SAing a woman, that’s still less than 1% of all brown people in Germany.

      • Soviet Pigeon
        4 months ago

        I had the impression, that all those political parties literally waited that something like Solingen happened. Like a trigger was pulled and now they all were pushing all possible things against people seeking shelter in Germany. Ah, don’t forget that this is again an excuse to advocate for more surveillance on the Internet by all means.