It barely started and they’re already screaming about MUH SATANISM, Da Vinci Last Supper parody, blue man, beheaded Marie Antoinette(based af ngl) etc while France is still occupying and extracting resources from multiple countries in Africa, literally currently allowing settler genocidal apartheid to participate and adamantly supporting nazis while treating Muslims like lower class.

All of that while these wastes of air cry about muh ‘‘satanism’’, ‘‘decadence’’, moral panic etc and for some reason pointing out at current Russia as an example of how Olympic Game opening should be.

I just find it so hilarious and disgustingly pathetic at the same time that they will waste their lives and time on this stuff rather than criticize and oppose France, Eurovision, World Cup or whichever country or event for the right reasons.

  • supersolid_snake
    2 months ago

    It’s also funny because the lack of a parade like that is also why conservatives say they want to do war on the the middle east, etc … They will point to a parade in the 51st exactly like this as permission to do a genocide.

    Edit: 51st state