Unless something more material like a whole continent turning anti-imperialist, if not socialist, and deciding collectively to nationalize the fruit and veg produce, and thus disrupts U.S’s produce imports -

I don’t think any internal problems in America would reach to a boiling point, as to end on a conclusive note

So what if it’s a big deal to you, huh, America is the most armed-country, and has a lot of guns, yet no civil war(s) has occurred recently… it’s just reactionary settler business as usual

Im America, nichts neues

  • SadArtemis🏳️‍⚧️
    2 months ago

    Yes, it is very well possible that the charges of him being a pedophile are completely false and fabricated by the U.S. government, but him deflecting from it and downplaying the charges as opposed to completely dismissing them is completely disgusting.

    Personally I’ve only ever seen him completely and vehemently dismiss the charges- maybe he deflected in the past, but if so I’d think that he must have stopped doing so sometime in the last… year or more(?) that I’ve been aware of him and listening to his content.

    My assumption as such was and still is, from what I’ve seen of him- well, maybe he’s suspect. Certainly I don’t think that he should be trusted with anything vital- not due to the charges, which considering the circumstances I dismiss entirely until proven otherwise (as we all know the empire loves its smears), but due to the fact he served in the US army, and the amount of US brain worms he has (even if he comes off as halfways decent at least, a risk is a risk). But overall- from what I’ve seen- I haven’t seen anything to dislike.

    • cayde6ml
      2 months ago

      I will say, that compared to most other U.S. officials, he seems nice and intelligent enough to talk and dine with at a restaurant.

      • SadArtemis🏳️‍⚧️
        2 months ago

        That’s my take on him too. A decent enough sort also that I’d be perfectly down to do so.

        TBH, having looked his history up a bit more now, if anything I’ve come to respect him more. Just the wiki page alone (while of course, copiously slandering him with references to the pedo charges- charges to which he rejected even a plea deal) speaks volumes, as to just how much he’s suffered (I was aware of some of it), and to how utterly suspicious the charges against him are. Seriously, you can look it up for yourself (while of course knowing that wiki is biased as all hell- and yet the cases made against him come off as stinking to high hell).

        • cayde6ml
          2 months ago

          I thought he agreed to the charges but he said he only did because he had no other options?