We all know how brain dead education under capitalism which is worse now that Gen Alpha is around. Any possible alternate models outside of cramming a shitload onto 30+ kids only for them to forget it?

  • fire86743
    5 months ago

    In general, I believe we should give students much more democratic control and responsibility over their schools, similar to how it is run in Sudbury Valley, which I recommend you guys research for some ideas on this topic.

    I believe that things like reading, writing, and arithmetic should be required classes and taught to all. More specialized topics, such as the arts, literature, history, etc. should be optional and free for all students who are curious. Older students should be given compulsory safety classes about topics such as alcohol, drugs, sex education, driving, crime, etc. Books and other resources should be freely available for anybody who wants to learn about any topic. Make school truly about learning and following your curiosity.

    Get rid of homework and grades, give tests in order for students to demonstrate competency in whatever topic they are studying. Not all tests should be paper tests, some should be hands-on project-based. Graduation should be as a reward by passing a test based on all the basics required to thrive in society, a long with a thesis explaining how you are ready to take on the world. Those who do not graduate should still be able to survive and even thrive just like everyone else, and should be freely given the opportunity to come back and try to graduate if they so choose.

    Expand the definition of education beyond the classroom. Emphasize that being alive itself is a learning experience.

    Treat young people with respect, give them some sort of say in the school. No more blind obedience to authorities. Teachers will act as accountable mentors and experts, not as omnipotent bosses. At the same time, students can’t have unlimited power either. They must balance their expanded freedom with expanded responsibility and accountability.

    I would recommend reading some stuff by Robert Epstein and Peter Gray. They are psychologists who talk a lot about youth rights and education reform, but keep in mind that they can be libby at times. There aren’t many communists that talk about these topics, even though they definitely should.

    These are just some of my thoughts on the topic, I am very passionate about it. I haven’t worded my thoughts the best and they aren’t perfect anyway, but I still believe it is much better than what we currently have.

    What are your thoughts, everyone?

    • ComradeSalad
      5 months ago

      Literature and history should absolutely not be optional, especially world literature and world history. I don’t care how much kids whine, or how boring they claim it is; because it is the lack of education in those subjects that have created a lot of the historical and cultural ignorance we see in the world.

      Math education should also go far beyond arithmetic. Entry level, first year calculus and statistics is a much better “stopping point”. At that point math starts to get a bit to esoteric too be useful in day to day life, but up until then, the math learned is invaluable for a person being able to function in society.